
Aliases: Screenspace_General_DX9


$flags <int> = 0


$flags_defined <int> = 0


$flags2 <int> = 0


$flags_defined2 <int> = 0


$color <color> = [1 1 1]


$alpha <float> = 1.0


$basetexture <texture> = "shadertest/BaseTexture"

Base Texture with lighting built in

$frame <int> = 0

Animation Frame

$basetexturetransform <matrix> = center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0

Base Texture Texcoord Transform

$color2 <color> = [1 1 1]


$srgbtint <color> = [1 1 1]

tint value to be applied when running on new-style srgb parts

$c0_x <float> = 0
$c0_y <float> = 0
$c0_z <float> = 0
$c0_w <float> = 0
$c1_x <float> = 0
$c1_y <float> = 0
$c1_z <float> = 0
$c1_w <float> = 0
$c2_x <float> = 0
$c2_y <float> = 0
$c2_z <float> = 0
$c2_w <float> = 0
$c3_x <float> = 0
$c3_y <float> = 0
$c3_z <float> = 0
$c3_w <float> = 0
$c4_x <float> = 0
$c4_y <float> = 0
$c4_z <float> = 0
$c4_w <float> = 0
$c5_x <float> = 0
$c5_y <float> = 0
$c5_z <float> = 0
$c5_w <float> = 0
$pixshader <string>

Name of the pixel shader to use

$vertexshader <string>

Name of the vertex shader to use

$disable_color_writes <int> = 0
$alphatested <float> = 0
$alpha_blend_color_overlay <int> = 0
$alpha_blend <int> = 0
$texture1 <texture>
$texture2 <texture>
$texture3 <texture>
$linearread_basetexture <int> = 0
$linearread_texture1 <int> = 0
$linearread_texture2 <int> = 0
$linearread_texture3 <int> = 0
$linearwrite <int> = 0
$vertextransform <int> = 0

verts are in world space

$vertexnormal <int> = 0

specify vertex normal (compressed) in material format

$alphablend <int> = 0

whether or not to enable alpha blend

$multiplycolor <int> = 0

whether or not to multiply src and dest color

$writealpha <int> = 0

whether or not to enable alpha write

$writedepth <int> = 0

whether or not to enable depth write

$tcsize0 <int> = 2

Number of components in texture coord0

$tcsize1 <int> = 0

Number of components in texture coord1

$tcsize2 <int> = 0

Number of components in texture coord2

$tcsize3 <int> = 0

Number of components in texture coord3

$tcsize4 <int> = 0

Number of components in texture coord4

$tcsize5 <int> = 0

Number of components in texture coord5

$tcsize6 <int> = 0

Number of components in texture coord6

$tcsize7 <int> = 0

Number of components in texture coord7

$pointsample_basetexture <int> = 0
$pointsample_texture1 <int> = 0
$pointsample_texture2 <int> = 0
$pointsample_texture3 <int> = 0
$cull <int> = 0

Culling control - 0 = nocull, 1 = do cull

$depthtest <int> = 0

Enable Depthtest

$copyalpha <int> = 0
$viewprojmat <matrix> = 0
$invviewprojmat <matrix> = 0
$blendopmin <int> = 0