Aliases: WorldVertexTransition_DX9
Base Texture with lighting built in
Animation Frame
Base Texture Texcoord Transform
tint value to be applied when running on new-style srgb parts
Self-illumination tint
detail texture
frame number for $detail
scale of the detail texture
detail texture 2
frame number for $detail2
scale of the detail texture 2
mode for combining detail texture with base. 0=normal, 1= additive, 2=alpha blend detail over base, 3=crossfade
blend amount for detail texture.
detail texture tint
blend amount for detail texture 2.
detail texture 2 tint
envmap mask
$envmapmask texcoord transform
envmap tint
bump map
frame number for $bumpmap
$bumpmap texcoord transform
contrast 0 == normal 1 == color*color
saturation 0 == greyscale 1 == normal
1.0 == mirror, 0.0 == water
0 == Use diffuse bump lighting, 1 = No diffuse bump lighting
bump map
frame number for $bumpmap
$bumpmap texcoord transform
bump map
detail texture
frame number for $basetexture2
texture to use r/g channels for blend range for
whether or not to use alternate bumpmap format with height
force bump-mapping on, even for low-end machines
Scale factor for 'seamless' texture mapping. 0 means to use ordinary mapping
Enable anisotropic cubemap lookups for macroscopically rough/microscopically smooth surfaces, like wet asphalt
Scale anisotropy amount for cubemap lookups
How much the lightmap effects environment map reflection, 0.0 is off, 1.0 will allow complete blackness of the environment map if the lightmap is black
Thresholds for the lightmap envmap effect. Setting the min higher increases the minimum light amount at which the envmap gets nerfed to nothing.
Phong exponent for Key (CSM Casting) Light - on $basetexture
Phong exponent for Key (CSM Casting) Light - on $basetexture2
Amount to tint Phong * $basetexture
Amount to tint Phong * $basetexture2
Contrast and Brightness for Phong Mask generation using $basetexture
Contrast and Brightness for Phong Mask generation using $basetexture2
Phong tint and amount on $basetexture > 1 to scale phong, .a is diffuseComponent multiplier, 0=> remove diffuse, >1 => overbright diffuse
Phong tint and amount on $basetexture2 > 1 to scale phong, .a is diffuseComponent multiplier, 0=> remove diffuse, >1 => overbright diffuse
Drop shadow between blended layers
Drop shadow size
Highlight size opposite drop shadow effect
Drop shadow depth exaggeration
$basetexture2 texcoord transform
color tint for layer 1
color tint for layer 2
$blendmodulatetexture texcoord transform
envmap mask 2
$envmapmask2 texcoord transform
Enable new layer blend math
Layer blend softness
Layer border strength
Layer border offset
Layer border softness
color tint for layer border
Enable normals on layer edge
Invert normals on layer edge
Layer edge normal strength
Layer edge normal blend softness
Layer edge normal blend offset
The world space position of the env_cubemap being corrected